

IB Winter Conference ‘Signs for People of Understanding’ on Sunday 1st January 2023 – MAGRIB 3.50pm till 6pm

The event will look at three of the wonderous signs of Allah(swt) in His creation and their powerful effect in raising the Iman of

40 Hadith on the Heart – PART 1

Saturday 24 December 2022 – MAGRIB (3.50pm) – 6pm FOLLOWED by Dinner Sh Mustafa Raslam & Imam Masood Chowdhury

Ideal Muslim Family

By Shaykh Wasim Kempson – Learn successful ways to keep the Muslim family strong through the Quran and Sunnah, Saturday 10 December after ASR

Healthy Islamic Lifestyle – Sat 3rd Dec at 2pm

Interactive workshop covering the essentials to guide a young Muslimah through health and Islamic life style. Topics:+ sunnah foods + exercise + spirituality +
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